
Lost and Forgotten?

The Tribals of Bangladesh

                       06 Dec 2007

   They can be found deep in the jungles, … along steep mountain slopes, … and at the river’s edge. ... They are all but lost and forgotten to those living in the busy crowded cities of Bangladesh...

 More than 30 different tribal groups live in the hills sandwiched between Southeast Bangladesh and Northeast India. The Chittagong Hill Tracts is the home of these tribal people. The largest tribe, the Chakmas, number half million people.  The other tribes number from 200,000 to just a few thousand. Language, … dress, …  location, … and physical characteristics … distinguish the individual tribes, but they all live simple lives.  Few from the outside world know of their existence.

 Their homes, like their lifestyles, are built around that which is available from the jungle. Their houses are made of mud, bamboo, and thatch. The buildings are elevated several feet above ground with a floor of bamboo strips. Beneath the home pigs and chickens find shelter from the hot sun or rain. Their meals of rice, vegetables, and meat are cooked on small mud stoves located in a corner of the home.  Water is obtained from a spring, a creek or from the river. Few are fortunate enough to have water piped to their village. 

Everyday life centers around their village, … their extended family, … and the spirit world. They strive to live in peace and harmony with nature as well as other people. The tribals’ submissive, non-confrontational personality has often left them victimized by the dominant Bengali people who live in the lowlands and in the cities.

 Many Bengalis saw the tribals’ hilly homeland as an opportunity for growth and pushed the native residents aside.  In the process, the unwanted settlers took over many of the government positions as well as business operations. Islam, its ritual devotions and mosques soon dominated Chittagong and other cities in the area.  In the eyes of the world,  as well as in the hearts and minds of the tribals, they are lost and forgotten…

 The overwhelming dominance of Islam has made little impact on the religious beliefs of the tribals.  Some claim Hinduism and others claim Buddhism, but all are deeply fearful of the spirit world.  They worship trees, … animals, … and other objects.  Frequently a pig or chicken sacrifice is offered to appease the evil spirits. Many have never heard of Jesus Christ and the love, forgiveness and freedom He brings.

 In the 1800’s, the British Baptists and others began work in India and in the hill tracks.  Many tribals were receptive and today a few entire tribes have become Christian.  In 1947, Britain divided the Indian subcontinent into different countries.  Eventually Bangladesh gained its independence through a bloody war in 1971.  During the political, ethnic, and religious turmoil, concern for the welfare of the tribals was overlooked and forgotten.

 In the mid 1980’s, a small group of tribal believers sought to reach their own people for Christ.  Responding to this need, Southern Baptist representatives began training these believers in evangelism and church planting. Some believers became full time itinerate preachers starting churches throughout the hills.  As a result, more than 200 churches have been planted…

 Meeting the physical needs of these desperately poor and uneducated people is an opportunity to show Christ’s love in action.  Humanitarian help has been provided by: giving fresh drinking water through sinking deep wells, … constructing sanitary latrines, … and teaching general hygiene; … giving young people a means for a livelihood through training in computers, driving, and sewing … and helping farmers generate income through agriculture training. …  As Christ’s love is observed, tribals are drawn to Him and want to know more about the God who loves and cares.

 God is working among the tribals.  We believe some tribes are ready for major church planting movements right now.  But…

It depends on leadership training …

It depends on planting reproducing churches …

It depends on the prayers of Gods people …

 Ask God to call out one man from each tribe with a vision for planting reproducing churches among his people.

Pray for those who provide leadership training. …

 Satan has reigned in the hills for centuries and does not easily give up.  Pray for spiritual and physical protection over believers as they share their faith. …

 Do not allow the Tribals of Bangladesh to be Lost and Forgotten.


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