India -2

 India Maps

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28 Jan 2008

India is a country about one-third the size of the United States but with a population of over one billion people.

 To the north is the Himalayan Mountain Range and China. To the West is Pakistan and Afghanistan. To the East is Mymar, formerly known as Burma.

 New Delhi, with a population of 12 million, is the capital of the country.  The greatest population density is in the northern part of this country.

 Mumbai, … formerly Bombay, … is the largest city with a population of 17 million.  Mumbai is also considered the financial capital of India.

 Bangalore to the South, with a population in excess of 6 ˝ million, is among the fastest growing cities of Asia. Known as the garden city of India it is also referred to as the  “Silicon Valley” of India indicating its leadership in the technological revolution sweeping the country.

 Hindus dominate the Religious Beliefs of India as indicated by the orange bars.  Approximately 80% or over 800 million people of India claim to be Hindu. 

The pink bar signifies that Sikhs are strong around the capital.  The prime minister of India is a Sikh.

 The Population Profile changes some throughout the country with Muslims … the green bar … making up about 15% of the population.  In the South around Kerala, Muslim as well as Christianity … the blue bar … is strong.  In the state of Karnonka and in the state capital, Bangalore the Hinduism is, … by far, … the dominant religion.


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