Introduction and maps  
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                       03 Feb 2009


 Kazakhstan is located in central Asia and was once a part of the former Soviet Union.  China is to the East and Russia to the North and the West.  Kazakhstan has an area of approximately one million square miles, … one half that of the continental United States but with a population of less than 16 million.   

Several cities are featured in this presentation including:

·        In the north, Kokshetau, Borovoye, and Shuchinsk

·        Further south, the small city of Makinsk

·        In the central part, Astana, the new capital, along with Temirtau, Karaganda, Saran and Dolinka

·        In the southern part, Almaty, the former capital, and nearby is Talgar, Medeu and Shymbulak

·        To the west, along the Caspian Sea, is Atyrau


The video material used for the 26 chapters of Kazakhstan: Following a New Path was filmed during the fall of 2008 in the full High Definition video format.  In addition, supplementary still photographs dating from the late 1800’s to present times have been used.   

Our prayer at CRF Media is that through this material you will better understand the people of Kazakhstan and be more prepared as you labor toward reaching the people of this new country for Christ.  


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Almaty                        all-MAH-tee

Astana                        ahs-tan-AH

Atyrau             AH-tur-ow

Borovoye                    bar-a-VOH-ye

Dolinka                       DOUGH-lean-ka

Karaganda                  car-a-GAHN-dah

Kazakhstan                KAZ-ahk-stahn

Kokshetau                  COKE-sheht-ow

Makinsk                     mah-KINSK

Medeu                                    may-DO

Saran                          sa-RAHN

Shuchinsk                   shoo-CHINsk

Talgar                         TAL-gar

Temirtau                     tem-ear-TAUW

Shymbulak                   shem-boo-LOCK




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